Answer a few questions about your family structure and the family structure of one friend.

Joshua Hartshorne

Central Michigan University

June 14th 2007 - August 14th 2007

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Der neu erstellte Fragebogen soll im Rahmen dieser Studie kalibriert werden, um diesen dann in Zukunft adaptiv vorgeben zu können.

Manuel Reif

Universität Wien - Fakultät für Psychologie - Abteilung Diagnostik

April 9th 2007 - June 9th 2007

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We would like to know how humour and exercise habits correlate.

Adrian Kee

National Taiwan Normal University

March 31st 2007 - May 31st 2007

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Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es, einen biographischen Fragebogen zur Erfassung von Denk- und Arbeitsstilen zu entwickeln. Die Teilnahme an dieser Untersuchung dauert ca. 10 - 15

Natalie Förster

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

February 23rd 2007 - April 23rd 2007

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Anonyme wissenschaftliche Fragebogenuntersuchung, dauert ca. 15 Minuten und beschäftigt sich mit Zusammenhängen von Beziehungsmustern und genereller Befindlichkeit.

Johannes Ehrenthal

Psychosomatische und Allgemeine Klinische Medizin, Universität Heidelberg; Psychologisches Institut, Universität Göttingen

February 9th 2007 - April 9th 2007

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This study aims to explore the ways that people with different personality characteristics typically think and behave in everyday life. It takes approximately 20 minutes

Erica Hepper and Constantine Sedikides

University of Southampton, UK

January 22nd 2007 - March 22nd 2007

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We are conducting a study to investigate what underlies motivation within a variety of domains and how it affects people's lives.

Christopher P. Niemiec

University of Rochester

November 1st 2006 - January 1st 2007

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The purpose of this study is to learn more about the relationship between personality traits and attitudes toward sexual relationships. This study involves completing an

Ulf-Dietrich Reips

University of Zurich

October 28th 2006 - December 28th 2006

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Psychologischer Fragebogen zur Wirkung von bestimmten Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen auf Attraktivitätsurteile und Partnerschaft.

Robert Böhm und Astrid Schütz

TU Chemnitz

October 26th 2006 - December 26th 2006

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This is an online survey about your personal beliefs and how they relate to aspects of your personality. Participating involves completing an online survey that

Patrick Rosenkranz

University of Newcastle

October 12th 2006 - December 12th 2006

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